Saturday, December 31, 2011

Under New Management

I'm driving home from North Carolina, and I see an old restaurant with a dangling sign, half-lit.  It says, "Come In!  We're Under New Management!" 

Something about that sign grips me and won't let me go.  It's hope.  I know it like I know my own hands typing on this keyboard.  The broken-down restaurant gets a fresh start--a new dream--under new management

The old has gone, the new has come.  2012 will be our best year yet.  We're under the new management of a Great God.  We're surrendered, strong, and steady.  Under new management means whatever was left broken down, hurting, and hopeless gets a makeover.  Renovated, restored, renewed.  

Living with flair means I'm under new management.  Sorry Self.  Sorry Satan.  I'm under new management. 

What in you needs to get under new management in 2012? 


Mar Seidel said...

What a gift your writing is to all of us!  Images jump off the screen and our imagination is in full swing as we read  "Under New Management".    Precise, short and oh, so "right on"!!!   Keep up the good work!   Your California fan...Aunt Mar. PS I LOVE YOUR BOOK!!!

Live with Flair said...

 Thank you, Aunt Mar!  Happy New Year to you!!!